Are you selling more motors and earning more money because of it ?
well done Ken, some great PR for you also. i was heavily involved with selling on ebay years back, at one point i was doing well over 65'000 individual sales per month. my issue with ebay is the fees combined with the difficulty competing with the small sellers who inevitably pay no vat, no corp tax or import duty if applicable. the higher priced goods are the only option on ebay IMO, the logistics and infrastructure required to stock larger more expensive goods keep the idiots away.
Yes but it is difficult to say how many more. The fact of the matter is that any motor trader is reliant on digital marketing so we just try and do as good a job as possible. The difficult question is always at the margin, ie. will extra spend create more sales but we are now much more sophisticated with our tracking so we know what sources are generating the leads.
Good old Henry Fords quote a hundred years ago still applies to This day but as you say more sophisticated tracking makes a huge difference ,I assume a lot of pump out to piss the brands off but WTF sales and profit are what they are!
Good old Henry Fords quote a hundred years ago still applies to This day but as you say more sophisticated tracking makes a huge difference ,I assume a lot of pump out to piss the brands off but WTF sales and profit are what they are!
It would be a mistake to think that the majority of leads from the web are from customers out of area, although clearly there is a significant element to that. Our analysis shows that the vast majority of enquires received via the web site are from people local to our dealerships.